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    BandAlbumStyle Lable  Count  $  
    A Colour Cold Black Adrenaline Agony industrial thrash metal  Selfreleased    1    16    CD

    A Fleeting Glance A Fleeting Glance psychedelic progressive rock  Aquilla Social Club    1    42    CD

    A Monumental Black Statue Excelsior raw pagan black metal  Lower Silesian Stronghold    1    12    CD

    A Portrait Of Flesh And Blood Gallery Of Sorrow symphonic depressive black metal  Zero Dimensional    1    22    CD

    A Sickness Unto Death The Great Escape atmospheric doom metal  Source Of Deluge    1    36    Digi CD

    A.H.P. Against Human Plague norwegian raw black metal/ambient  Via Nocturna    1    12    CD

    A.I.D.S. Syndrome Of The End Approaching raw black metal  Those Opposed    1    16    CD

    A.R.G. Entrance thrash metal band from the 80s  Careless/Spinefarm    1    16    Digi CD

    Aabsynthum Inanimus funeral doom metal  Marche Funebre        8    CD in slipcase

    Abacinate/(god-rot) Split ultrabrutal death metal/technical brutal death metal  Epitomite    1    12    CD

    Abandon All Ships Geeving industrial melodic death metal/metalcore  Rise    1    11    CD

    Abaxial Neo-Drama thrash metal band from the beginning of the 90s  Metal Command    1    27    CD

    Abbath Abbath cult black metal artist  Helvete/Season Of Mist    1    16    CD

    Abbot Between Our Past And Future Lives stoner doom metal  Blood Rock    1    16    Digi CD

    Abduction From Uranus To Your Anus old school thrash metal  Nightbreaker    1    18    CD

    Abigail / Arma Satanik Rock'n'Roll Fucking Hell raw black thrash metal/punk  DSS    1    20    CD

    Abigor Nachthymnen cult black metal band  W.T.C.    1    44    Digi CD

    Abigor Opus IV cult black metal band  W.T.C.    1    44    Digi CD

    Abigor Supreme Immortal Art cult black metal band  W.T.C.    1    44    Digi CD

    Abiogenesi Le Notti Di Salem progressive folk rock  Black Widow    1    20    CD

    Abisso WRNSS blackened doom death metal  Third I Rex    1    18    Digi CD

    Abolition A.D. After Death, Before Chaos doom death metal  Pulverised    1    16    CD in super jewel box

    Abominant Napalm Reign old school death metal  Deathgasm    1    16    CD

    Abominattion Doutrine Of False Martyr fast chaotic brutal death metal  Animate    1    12    CD

    Aborted The Necrotic Manifesto cult brutal death metal band  Helvete/Century Media    1    22    CD in slipcase

    Aborted The Archaic Abattoir cult brutal death metal band  Listenable    1    38    CD

    Aborted Maniacult cult brutal death metal band  Century Media    1    40    CD

    Aborted Fetus Goresoaked Clinical Accidents ultrabrutal death metal  Sevared    1    18    CD

    Aborted Fetus Fatal Dogmatic Damage ultrabrutal death metal  Comatose    1    13    CD

    Abosranie Bogom / Toi Toi Split goregrind  American Line    1    18    CD

    Abramis Brama Smakar Sondag stoner doom metal  Transubstans    1    18    CD

    Abruptum De Profundis Mors Vas Cousumet cult ambient black metal band  Blooddawn    1    78    LP

    Abscess Damned And Mummified cult death metal band  Red Stream    1    20    CD

    Absemia Morbopraxis brutal death metal  American Line    1    18    CD

    Absenta Eel atmospheric black metal  Necromance    1    11    CD

    Absentia Lunae Historia Nobis Assentietvr raw black metal  ATMF    1    14    CD in super jewel box

    Abske Fides Abske Fides doom death metal  Nuktemeron    1    16    CD

    Abysmal Darkening No Light Behind doom death metal  Total Rust    1    9    CD

    Abysmal Grief Mors Eleison cult doom metal band  Sun & Moon    1    40    Digi CD

    Abysmal Growls Of Despair Eternal Lament funeral doom metal  Silent Time Noise    1    13    Double Digi CD

    Abysmal Winds Magna Pestilencia old school death metal  I Hate    1    44    CD

    Abysskvlt Thanatochromia atmospheric funeral doom metal  Endless Winter    1    10    Digi CD

    Abysskvlt Khaogenesis atmospheric funeral doom metal  Endless Winter    1    16    Digi CD

    Abysskvlt Phur G. Yang atmospheric funeral doom metal  Solitude    1    13    Digi CD

    Abyssphere Ýéäîëîí atmospheric doom death metal  Endless Desperation    4    33    Digibook CD

    Abyssum (Guatemala) Poizon Of God melodic black metal  The Sinister Flame    1    27    CD

    Acanthostega Acanthostega raw black metal  Twin Town Tyrant    1    11    Pro CDr

    Accept Metal Masters cult heavy metal band  Brain    1    27    CD

    Accept Metal Heart cult heavy metal band  BMG    1    22    CD

    Accept Russian Roulette cult heavy metal band  BMG    1    22    CD

    Accept The Final Chapter cult heavy metal band  CMC international    1    27    DCD

    Accept Blind Rage old school heavy metal  Nuclear Blast    1    133    Gatefold DLP

    Accidental Death Benefit Maxima death grind  SoundAge    2    9    CD

    Acephalous Divine Purity blackened death metal  Rotten To The Core    1    16    CD

    Acheron Anti-god, Anti-christ cult black death metal band  Misanthropic Spirit / Moribund    1    44    CD

    Acid's Trip Strings Of Soul psychedelic hard rock  Heavy Psych    1    27    Digi CD

    ACOD Fourth Reign Over Opacities and Beyond melodic black death metal  Zero Dimensional    1    33    CD

    Acolytes Of Moros Illusions Of Progress traditional doom metal  Odmetnik    1    18    CD

    Acrid Semblance From The Oblivion melodic death metal  Demonstealer    1    13    CD

    Acrimony / Church Of Misery Split cult doom metal bands  Game Two    1    24    CD

    Acrosome Non Pourable Lines depressive post black metal  Dusktone    1    18    CD

    Act Of Gods Dies Irae technical death metal  Osmose    1    12    MCD

    Act Of Gods Maat technical death metal  Osmose    1    10    CD

    Act Of Gods Stench Of Centuries technical death metal  Osmose    1    11    DCD

    Ad Noctum Arrogance raw black metal  Undercover    1    10    CD

    Adamas Heavy Thoughts melodic thrash metal  SG    1    16    CD

    Adaro Minnenspiel medieval folk rock  Steamhammer    1    16    CD

    Adaro Words Never Spoken. Extended Edition medieval folk rock  Inside Out    1    16    CD

    Addaura …And The Lamps Expire atmospheric black metal  Avantgarde    1    33    A5 Digi CD

    Adimiron Burning Souls melodic death thrash metal  Karmageddon Media    1    13    CD

    Adore Wanderers Of Oblivion atmospheric depressive black metal  Selfreleased    1    11    Pro CDr

    Adorned Brood Kuningaz cult folk viking metal band  Massacre    1    13    CD

    Adorned Brood Kuningaz cult folk viking metal band  Massacre    2    16    Digi CD

    Adragard Through Funeral Shadows raw black metal  Perkun    1    20    CD

    Aeaea Drink The New Wine neoclassic/ambient  Twilight    1    12    Digi CD

    Aedh Au-dela Des Cendres pagan black metal  Dying Sun    1    14    CD

    Aegeon Nocturnal Glorification raw atmospheric black metal  Elegy    1    20    CD

    Aeon Winds …And Night Shall Have Dominion atmospheric black metal  Satanic    1    16    MCD

    Aeon Winds On The Way To Oblivion atmospheric black metal  Hexencave    1    10    CD

    Aeonian Sorrow A Life Without melodic doom death metal  Selfreleased    1    40    Digi CD

    Aeonian Sorrow Into The Eternity A Moment We Are melodic doom death metal  Selfreleased    1    40    Digi CD

    Aeonic Void Of Existence technical ultrabrutal death metal  Rising Nemesis    1    13    MCD

    Aera Of Forsworn Vows atmospheric black metal  De Tenebrarum Principio    1    13    CD

    Aeterna Tenebrae Maledictus Aeternum raw pagan black metal  Ancestrale    1    22    CD

    Aeterna Tenebrae Anima Mortalis Ars Perpetua raw pagan black metal  Ancestrale    1    22    CD

    Aeternus Dominion Psychotic technical death thrash metal  Grindhead    1    16    CD

    Aetherius Obscuritas Martir melodic black metal  Paragon    1    9    CD

    Aetherius Obscuritas A Sors Szurke Pora melodic black metal  Paragon    1    16    CD

    Aethon Order Through Chaos groove thrash metal  Straight From The Heart    1    18    Digi CD

    Aevangelist Omen Ex Simulacra avantgarde black death metal  Debemur Morti    1    40    Digi CD

    Afasia Confinement doom death metal  BF    1    16    CD

    Afflictive Emasculation Osvii: Esse Deum ultrabrutal death metal  Morbid Generation    1    18    CD

    Affront Angry Voices old school death thrash metal  Cianeto    1    16    CD

    After All Dead Loss old school heavy/thrash metal  Rokarola    1    22    CD

    Aftermath There Is Something Wrong technical thrash metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    14    CD

    Agael Trost atmospheric black metal  Naturmacht    1    18    CD

    Agamendon Nuclear Rodeo melodic death metal  Pure Steel    1    21    CD

    Agathocles Reds At The Mountains Of Death cult grindcore band  Goatgrind    1    22    CD

    Agathodaimon Serpent's Embrace symphonic black metal  Nuclear Blast    1    20    CD

    Agathodaimon Phoenix symphonic black metal  Massacre    2    22    Digi CD

    Agaures Un-Virtue Vitae melodic black metal  Demise    1    24    CD

    Agenda Of Swine Waves Of Human Suffering grind  Relapse    1    18    Digi CD

    Agggressor Osculum Infame old school thrash metal  American Line    1    21    Digisleeve CD

    Aggression The Full Treatment cult thrash metal band  Xtreem    1    27    CD

    Aggressive Tyrants The Gore Grind Nineties goregrind  Parat    1    16    Digi CD

    Agiel Dark Pantheons technical death metal with symphonic parts  Deep Send    1    22    MCD

    Agonia Catartica Drama black doom metal  Tribulacion    1    13    CD

    Agonica Bajo El Imperio Del Miedo old school thrash metal  Mexican Steel    1    13    CD

    Agonija Neapykantos Ratu old school death metal  Selfreleased    1    20    CD

    Agony Bag Feelmazumba hard rock/glam rock  Black Widow    1    27    CD

    Agony Voices Mankind's Glory doom death metal  Sun Empire    1    18    Digi CD

    Agrath The Fall Of Mankind raw black metal  Orion    1    16    CD

    Agressor The Merciless Onslaught. Demo Recordings 1986-1989 cult death metal band  Apocalyptic Empire    1    62    Gatefold LP

    Agressor The Spirit Of Evil cult death metal band  Season Of Mist    1    33    CD

    Agruss Morok post black death doom metal  Code 666    1    20    Digi CD

    Ahab The Giant cult funeral doom metal band  Napalm    1    40    Digi CD

    Ahnengrab Schattenseiten melodic pagan black metal  Einheit    1    16    Digi CD

    Ahnenkult Als Das Licht Verging melodic pagan black metal  Einheit    1    16    Digi CD

    Aihos Ikuisuuden Suojaan finnish semimelodic black metal  Regain    1    27    CD

    Airborn Lizard Secrets. Part One - Land Of The Living melodic power metal  Fighter    1    31    CD

    Airbrusher Dirndl To Go industrial metal  Jihosound    1    27    Digi CD

    Airspeed Airspeed heavy metal band from 80-th  Jolly Roger    1    12    CD

    Akapulko Heaven's Door female fronted progressive metal  Vacante    1    11    Digi CD

    Akem Manah Demons Of The Sabbat doom death metal  Possession    1    16    Digi CD

    Akitsa Grands Tyrans cult black metal band  Hospital    1    40    Digi CD

    Akoma Revangels female fronted symphonic gothic metal  Massacre    1    14    CD

    Akral Necrosis The Greater Absence raw black metal  Loud Rage    1    16    CD

    Aksaya L'Aube Rouge raw black metal  The Ritual    1    20    CD

    Al Azif Sombras Sobre Una Pared Calcinada death thrash metal  Selfreleased    1    20    CD

    Alastor Demon Attack old school blackened thrash metal  W.A.R.    1    11    CD

    Alavena It Started Here old school thrash death metal  Australis    1    16    CD

    Albatrhoz La Vision De Los Profetas heavy/speed metal  American Line    1    16    CD

    Alberto Nemo Tidur neoclassic / neofolk  Ksenza    1    13    Digi CD

    Alchemy X 11.59.59. progressive metal  Unisound    1    18    CD

    Alchemyst Nekromanteion black death metal  Necroshrine    1    22    CD

    Alcoholic Force Gasoline Drinkers. Fantomania IV. old schoool speed/thrash metal  Metal Or Die    1    16    CD

    Aldaaron Supreme Silence atmospheric black metal  Paragon    1    16    CD

    Aldebaran From Forgotten Tombs I & II sludge doom metal  Memento Mori    1    18    CD

    Alder Sun Worshipper/Awakening atmospheric black metal  Throats    1    18    Double digisleeve CD in slipcase

    Alexander Paul Blake Die Rukkehr Ins Goldene Zeitalter atmospheric black metal  Einheit    1    16    Digi CD

    Algol Timeshifter space ambient  Ksenza    1    13    Digi CD

    Algol All These Worlds Are Yours space ambient  Ksenza    1    11    Digi CD

    Alienation Mental Psychopaticolorspectrum death grind  Khaaranus    1    11    CD

    Alisoder Alisoder stoner doom metal  Feretro    1    16    CD

    Alkhimya Emergence atmospheric black death metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    17    CD

    All About Eve Scarlet And Other Stories female fronted gothic rock / metal  Nippon Phonogram    1    22    CD

    All I Could Bleed Burying The Past female fronted melodic death metal  Darknagar    1    8    CD

    All Shall Perish The Price Of Existence famous deathcore band  Nuclear Blast    1    27    CD

    Allerseelen/Sangre Cavallum Split neofolk/neoclassic/folk rock  Ahnstern    1    11    Digi CD

    Ally The Fiddle Up female fronted progressive folk metal  Gentle Art Of Music    1    31    Digi CD

    Almah Edu Falaschi Almah famous power metal band  Victor    1    36    CD

    Alpthraum Cacophonies From Six Nightmares atmospheric ambient black metal  Dunkelkunst    1    16    CD

    Alrakis Omega Cen atmospheric ambient black metal  RIDDH    1    33    Digi CD

    Alrakis Echoes From atmospheric ambient black metal  SelfMutilation Services    1    40    A5 Digi CD

    Altar Youth Against Christ cult death metal band  Displeased    1    56    CD

    Altar Of Betelgeuze Darkness Sustains The Silence doom death metal  Memento Mori    1    13    CD

    Altar The Sky Plight Of The Vomit Eagle death black metal  Evil Morgue    1    11    CD

    Alternative 4 The Brink post doom metal  Avantgarde    1    13    Digi CD

    Amaranthe Helix gothic/power/melodic death metal  Universal Japan    1    44    CD

    Amarok Blasphemous Edictum raw black metal  Hell Is Here    1    16    CD

    Amateur Podiatry Pedicurious / Solemates goregrind  Meat 5000    1    16    CD

    Amberian Dawn River Of Tuoni female fronted symphonic gothic metal  Suomen Musiikki    1    29    CD

    Ambivalence Silicone Magic avantgarde brutal death metal  Gormageddon        7    CD

    Ambivalence (Australia) A Land Of Myth And Magic melodic doom death metal  Endless Desperation    1    9    CD

    Ambrazura Life & Death technical death metal  Selfreleased    2    7    ProCDr

    Ambrotos Ambrotos melodic black metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    16    MCD

    Ambrotos Cosmic Annulus melodic black metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    16    Digi MCD

    Amederia Sometimes We Have Wings… melodic doom death metal  BadMoodMan    1    16    Digi CD

    Amiensus Abreaction atmospheric black metal  Transcending    1    31    Digi CD

    Ammentia Legado Demencial old school thrash metal  Alkoholik Holocaust    1    16    CD

    Amnis Nihili Christological Escalation raw black metal  Avantgarde    1    12    Digi MCD

    Amoclen Diagnosis: Grindcore grindcore  Defense    1    18    CD

    Amoclen Grindcorization grindcore  Defense    1    20    MCD

    Amon Amarth The Avenger viking melodic death metal  Metal Blade    1    40    Digi CD

    Amon Amarth With Oden On Our Side viking melodic death metal  Metal Blade    1    36    Double Digi CD

    Amon Amarth Surtur Rising viking melodic death metal  Metal Blade    1    29    Digi CD+DVD

    Amon Amarth The Pursuit Of Vikings viking melodic death metal  Metal Blade    1    56    Digi Blu-ray+CD

    Among The Prey Only For Blinded Eyes finnish melodic death metal  Inverse    1    18    CD

    Amoral Decrowning melodic death thrash metal  Candlelight USA    1    22    CD

    Amorphis Tales From The Thousand Lakes melodic doom death metal  Relapse    1    33    CD

    Amorphis Silent Waters melodic death metal  Victor    1    51    CD

    Amorphis Under The Red Cloud melodic death metal  Nuclear Blast    1    40    CD

    Amorphis Queen Of Time melodic death metal  Nuclear Blast    1    38    Digi CD

    Amoth The Hour Of The Wolf heavy/progressive metal  Rockshots    1    18    CD

    Anaal Nathrakh The Codex Necro cult grind/black metal band  Mercenary    1    36    CD

    Anabanta Despertares female fronted gothic metal band  Sun Empire    2    13    Digisleeve CD

    Anabanta Los Reunidos female fronted gothic metal band  Sun Empire    1    16    A5 Digi MCD

    Anachronaeon As The Last Human Spot In Me Dies melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Anachronaeon The New Dawn melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Anachronaeon The Futile Quest for Immortality melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Anachronaeon The Ethereal Throne melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        8    CD

    Anachronaeon The Oracle And The Keyholder melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Anachronaeon Everyday Chronicles melodic progressive dark metal  Stygian Crypt        9    CD

    Anaemia (Esp) Stupidity of the Lambs grind  Soulreaper    1    16    CD

    Anal Fistfuckers Scat Porn Maniacs pornogrind  Splatter Zombie    1    22    CD

    Anaphylactic Shock Two Thousand Years sludge doom metal  Hypertension    1    16    Digi CD

    Anapilin Dezintegracija melodic black metal  Narcoleptica    1    8    CD

    Anarkhon Welcome To The Gore Show brutal death metal  Tribulacion    1    16    CD

    Anarkhon Phantasmagorical Personification Of The Death Temple brutal death metal  Debemur Morti    1    33    Digi CD

    Anasarca Survival Mode cult death metal band  Sevared    1    22    CD

    Anathema Pentecost III cult doom death metal band  Fierce    1    29    CD

    Anathema Alternative 4 cult doom metal band  Peaceville    1    27    CD

    Anathema Eternity cult doom metal band  Peaceville    1    27    CD

    Anatomia Decaying In Obscurity cult doom death metal band  Fallen Angels    1    18    CD

    Ancesthor Beneath The Mask old school thrash metal  Ripride    1    18    CD

    Ancestors Blood A Dark Passage From The Past finnish pagan black metal  Heidens Hart    1    11    CD

    Ancient Eerily Howling Winds. The Antideluvian Tapes norwegian melodic black metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    13    CD

    Ancient Det Glemte Riket norwegian melodic black metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    20    CD

    Ancient Trolltaar norwegian melodic black metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    13    CD

    Ancient Knights Camelot symphonic power metal  Diamonds    1    13    Digi CD

    Andralls Andralls old school thrash metal  American Line    1    18    CD

    Andralls Force Against Mind old school thrash metal  Mausoleum    1    20    CD

    Andsolis Vigil progressive death metal  Shinigami/Quality Steel    1    27    CD

    Angantyr Haevn pagan black metal  Northern Silence    1    33    CD

    Angel A Woman's Diary - Chapter I female fronted gothic metal  Black Lotus    1    19    Digi CD

    Angel Black Killing Demons old school heavy metal  Rockshots    1    13    CD

    Angelcide Black Metal Terrorism black death metal  Elegy    1    13    Digi CD

    Angelo Perlepes' Mystery Tales… old schoool heavy metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    16    CD

    Angelrust The Nightmare Unfolds melodic death thrash metal  Stronghold    1    16    CD

    Angelus Kneel Down And Pray heavy metal band from the beginning of 90-th  Hellhound    1    22    CD

    Angercure Arguing In Dichromatic Days melodic gothic metal  Mediaplan    1    16    CD

    Angrenost Planet Muscaria avantgarde melodic black metal  Code 666    1    22    CD

    Angst The Vile melodic black metal  Hidden Marly    1    33    CD

    Anhedonia From O …To Infinity drone doom metal  Satanarsa    1    9    ProCDr

    Anifernyen Augur technical melodic black death metal  Ethereal Sound Works    1    16    CD

    Anima The Daily Grind technical brutal death metal  Metal Blade    1    18    CD

    Animal Hate …A Witch Shall Be Born technical death metal  Metal Age    1    9    Digi CD

    Animal Man Machine The Cruelty Of Life atmospheric black metal  Metal Throne    1    16    CD

    Animetal Animetal Marathon II old school heavy/speed metal  Sony    1    40    DCD

    Ankhagram Under Ruins symphonic doom death metal  Endless Winter    1    16    Digi CD

    Annihilated XIII Steps To Ruination technical brutal death metal  Unique Leader    1    31    CD

    Anniken Climb Out Of Hell female fronted melodic heavy metal  Rockshots    1    18    CD

    Annotations Of An Autopsy II: The Reign Of Darkness brutal death metal/deathcore  Nuclear Blast    1    89    Gatefold LP

    Anochecer Solange atmospheric post rock  Sun Empire    1    16    CD

    Antagonist Exist melodic death thrash metal/metalcore  Prosthetic    1    13    CD

    Antarktis Ildlaante swedish sludge/post metal  Agonia    1    18    Digi CD

    Antartandes Rising Okkult Spiritus melodic black death metal  Razed Soul    1    16    CD

    Antartandes Illvsio Machina melodic black metal  Australis    1    16    Digi CD

    Ante Inferno A Dream Of The Devil raw black metal  UKEM    1    13    MCD

    Antesser Return Of The Leprechaun old school thrash death metal  Fresh Meat    2    13    CD

    Antesser Demolition Star old school thrash death metal  Fresh Meat    2    13    CD

    Anthea Illusion symphonic metal  Rockshots    1    20    CD

    Anthea Tales Untold symphonic metal  Rockshots    1    18    CD

    Anthelion Bloodshed Rebefallen symphonic black metal  Ultimate    1    69    Digi CD

    Antheology Monuments Of Misanthropy old school death metal  Base Record    1    18    CD

    Anthrax Among The Living cult thrash metal band  Island    1    33    CD

    Anthro Halaust Triumph Of Satan ! raw black metal  The Ritual    1    9    CD

    Antichrisis Perfume folk rock/gothic metal   Black Rose    1    29    CD

    Antidemon Apocalypsenow brutal death metal  Rowe    1    42    CD

    Antimatter Lights Out progressive rock/post doom metal  The End    1    29    CD

    Antipope Apostle Of Infinite Joy progressive gothic/industrial metal  Fertile Crescent    1    18    CD

    Anubis (Hungary) A Halal Oldalan black thrash metal band from the beginning of the 90s  Metal Or Die    1    20    CD

    Anubiz Leid female fronted gothic metal  Selfreleased    1    13    CD

    Ape Machine Coalition Of The Unwilling psychedelic/blues rock  Heavy Psych    1    22    Digisleeve CD

    Aphonic Threnody The All Consuming Void funeral doom metal  GS    1    18    CD

    Apnea Ethereal Solitude post blaÑk metal/shoegaze  Immortal Frost    1    12    CD

    Apocryfal Crushing Black Death finnish blackened death metal  Mara    2    11    Digi CD

    Apocryfal Crushing Black Death blackened death metal  Mara    1    18    Digi CD

    Apocryphal The Mask melodic death metal  The Flaming Arts    1    11    MC

    Apocryphal Voice Still Trapped finnish avantgarde black metal  Candlelight    1    20    CD

    Apokefale Revelation: Procreating Abhorrent Depths melodic progressive black death metal  HeadXplode    1    9    Digi CD

    Apokefale A Transcendent Vision melodic progressive black death metal  Ksenza    1    11    Digi CD in slipcase

    Apokrypha To The Seven melodic black metal  Black Attack    1    11    CD

    Apolion Death Grows Into Sperm raw black metal  Bylec Tum    1    11    CD

    Apolokia MCMXCV - MCMXCVII raw black metal  War Against Yourself    1    9    CD

    Apoptosis Gutrectomy  Eugenics Of Terrestrial Existence ultrabrutal death metal  Groupies    1    22    CD

    Apostle Of Solitude Last Sunrise traditional doom metal  Eyes Like Snow    1    13    CD

    Apostles Of Perversion Scars Of A Sick Mind ultrabrutal death metal  Pathologically Explicit    1    10    CD

    Apostles Of Perversion Revenge Beyond The Grave ultrabrutal death metal  Pathologically Explicit    1    13    CD

    Apotheosis Omega Vama Marga raw black metal  Godeater    1    9    CD

    April Morning/Sorrowful Split doom death metal  Omeyokan    1    16    CD

    Aquila L'Aurore raw pagan black metal  Hass Weg    1    16    CD

    Arcana Cantar De Procella medieval/ambient/neoclassic  Cold Meat    1    187    Gatefold LP

    Arcana Coelestia Ubi Secreta Colunt atmospheric funeral doom metal  ATMF    1    18    CD

    Arcana Coelestia Le Mirage De L'Ideal atmospheric funeral doom metal  ATMF    1    18    CD

    Arcana XXII This Burning Darkness heavy/gothic metal  TTS Media    1    20    CD

    Arcanar Ïûëüíûé âëàäûêà dark death doom metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Arcane Dread A Path Befouled old school death metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    12    CD

    Arch Blade Kill The Witch old school heavy metal  Rockshots    1    22    CD

    Arch Enemy War Eternal melodic death metal  Trooper    1    56    CD+ DVD

    Arch Enemy Khaos Legions melodic death metal  Trooper    1    33    CD

    Archetype Rise Of The Blood Slaughter melodic death thrash metal  American Line    1    13    CD

    Archontes The Once And Future Fool melodic power metal  Sound Age    1    9    CD

    Arckanum Kampen cult black metal band  Debemur Morti    1    56    Digibook CD

    Arcturus And The Deception Circus Disguised Masters cult black metal band  Jester    1    29    CD

    Arduini / Balich Dawn Of Ages progressive doom metal  Cruz Del Sur    1    13    Digi CD

    Ares Divine Creation melodic death metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    13    CD

    Ariadna Project Novus Mundus melodic power metal  Sleaszy Rider    1    17    Digi CD

    Arise From Thorns Before An Audience Of Stars female fronted gothic metal  Dark Symphonies    1    11    CD

    Arkenstone Arkenstone raw black metal  Auto Da Fe    3    8    CD

    Arkhaeon Deathprayer Evangelium orthodox black metal  Bergstolz    1    16    CD

    Arkhaeon Beyond orthodox black metal  Bergstolz    1    16    CD

    Arkham 13 Bloodfiend technical death thrash metal  Hellstone    1    20    CD

    Arkona Wszechzlodowacenie cult polish black metal band  Hell Is Here    1    22    CD

    Armageddon (Serbia) Egyptian Suite symphonic heavy metal  Karthago    1    16    CD

    Armageddon (Sweden) Captivity & Devourment progressive melodic death metal  Listenable    1    31    CD in slipcase

    Armored Saint Revelation cult heavy metal band  Attic    1    29    CD

    Arnion Fall Like Rain old school thrash metal  The Black Tiger Company    1    20    CD

    Arra Upheaval Of Destructive Hate raw black metal  Cavernous    1    16    CD

    Arreat Summit Feast Of The Wicked technical death metal/deathcore  World Vs Cometh    1    20    CD

    Arrest Night Stalker old school heavy metal  Mausoleum    1    22    CD

    Arrogant Destruktor Commandments Of War And Necromancy old school raw black metal  Total Death    1    22    CD

    Ars Macabra Daemonolatria Hypnotica fast black metal  Elegy    1    11    CD

    Ars Moriendi Lorsque les coeurs s'ass atmospheric black metal  Archaic Sound    1    42    CD

    Ars Nocturna Epsilon melodic black death metal  Narcoleptica    1    9    Digi CD

    Ars Onirica I Cold depressive black doom metal  BadMoodMan    1    13    CD

    Arsantiqva Scavengers melodic black metal  Mors Lvcerna    1    9    CD

    Artension Into The Eye Of The Storm famous progressive metal band  Roadrunner Japan    1    19    CD

    Artes Negras Let There Be Death fast brutal thrash black metal  Furias    1    8    CD

    Arthropodal Humanicide Hegemony Of The Arthropods ultrabrutal death metal  Pathologically Explicit    1    16    CD

    Arvas Blessed From Below…Ad Sathanas Noctum norwegian black metal  Satanic Art    1    16    CD

    Aryman …I Nienazwanych Dyjablow raw black metal  Lower Silesian Stronghold    1    18    CD

    As Angels Bleed As Angels Bleed female fronted progressive gothic metal  Selfreleased    1    49    Digi CD

    As Artifacts Strong Hands melodic death metal/metalcore  Selfreleased    1    20    Digi CD

    As I May My Own Creations modern melodic death metal  Rockshots    1    16    CD

    As It Burns Mortal Dusk melodic death metal  Cold Blood Industries    1    9    CD

    As Night Falls From Grace To Oblivion female fronted symphonic gothic metal  Selfreleased    1    18    Digi MCD

    As Sahar Phenomistik melodic black metal from the middle of the 90s  Zzooouhh    1    29    Digi CD

    As The Palaces Burn Drowning Into Shadows progressive power/thrash metal  Rockshots    1    22    CD

    As The Sun Falls Last Days Of Light melodic death metal  Selfreleased    1    33    Digi CD

    Ascalon Reflections old school heavy metal  No Remorse    1    17    CD

    Ascension With Burning Tongues atmospheric black metal  World Terror Committee    1    40    CD

    Ascian Elysion doom death metal  Black Sunset    3    33    Digisleeve CD

    Asedio Mi Nombre Es Legion old school death thrash metal  American Line    1    20    Digi CD

    Asgard (Czech) Zlovestne Casy viking black metal  Panda    1    18    CD

    Asgard (Switzerland) Leviathan raw black metal  Wolfmond    1    16    CD

    Asgrauw Krater atmospheric black metal  Hidden Marly    1    22    CD

    Asgrauw Gronspech atmospheric black metal  Hidden Marly    1    22    CD

    Asguard Black Fireland melodic death metal  More Hate    2    8    CD

    Asguard Summis Desiderantes Effectibus  melodic death metal  Bloodhead    1    11    MC

    Ashen Epitaph The Formed Filth Enigma technical death metal  Grom    1    18    CD

    Ashen Horde Fallen Cathedrals progressive black metal  Extreme Metal    1    16    Digi CD

    Ashen Light Ïåñíè Ìåðòâûõ/Çîâ Òüìû raw black metal  More Hate    2    8    CD

    Ashen Light Ñòàðû Áûëèíû / Ñëàâÿíñêèå Âå÷åðà raw black metal  More Hate    1    8    CD

    Ashen Light Áîã ìåðòâ. Ñìåðòü - áîã. raw black metal  Sound Age    1    8    CD

    Ashes For The Mute Celestial Revelations raw black metal  Narcoleptica    1    8    CD

    Ashes Reborn Contamination old school death thrash metal  Firecum    1    16    CD

    Ashes To Ashes Cardinal VII symphonic power metal  The Art/DVS    1    18    Digi CD

    Asmodey Extraterrestrial Hardening raw black metal  Dark East    1    10    CD

    Asofy Percezione atmospheric doom black metal  Avantgarde    1    18    CD

    Asphagor Pyrogenesis progressive black metal  MDD    1    22    CD

    Asphodelus Stygian Dreams finnish melodic doom death metal  Terror From Hell    1    26    CD

    Asphyx Live Death Doom cult doom death metal band  Century Media    1    78    A5 DVD + 2CD Digipak in slipcase

    Assemblent Equilibrium melodic industrial death metal  Nemesis    1    12    CD in slipcase

    Astarium Fragments Of Nightmares symphonic black metal  NitroAtmosfericum    1    16    Digi MCD

    Astarot Woods Of The Spirit Grief atmospheric depressive black metal  Maa    1    22    CD

    Astarot Padre La Niebla atmospheric depressive black metal  Maa    1    27    CD

    Astaroth The Long Loud Silence heavy metal band from the 80s  Bootleg    1    18    CD

    Astorvoltaires BlackTombsForDeadSongs melodic doom death metal  Rain Without End    1    13    CD

    Astral Root Voices From The Void black doom metal  Razed Soul    1    18    CD

    Astral Winter Forest Of Silence melodic black metal  Immortal Frost    1    16    CD

    Astrophyte 2192. old school melodic death metal  MDD    1    27    CD

    At The Dawn From Dawn To Dusk melodic power metal  Buil2kill    1    12    CD

    At The Gates Slaughter Of The Soul cult death metal band  Earache    1    44    DCD

    Atheist Elements cult technical death metal band  Icarus / Relapse    1    33    CD

    Athos The Awakening Of Athos raw black metal  Candarian Demon    1    9    CD

    Athos With Darkest Hails atmospheric black metal  Lower Silesian Stronghold    1    18    CD

    Atlas Pain What The Oak Left folk/melodic death metal  Scarlet    1    13    CD

    Atlases Penumbra atmospheric post doom metal  Pest    1    16    CD

    Atmosphera Post Mortem The Angels Rebellion symphonic black metal  Sun Empire    1    16    CD

    Atoll Nerat / Warhead Two Pipes To Heaven / Strange Age melodic black metal/progressive death metal  Selfreleased    1    9    2CDr Digisleeve

    Atomic (Hungary) Separate Races old school thrash metal  Metal Or Die    1    16    CD

    Atra Hora Via Combusta progressive black death metal  Darknagar    1    8    CD

    Atra Hora progressive black death metal  Darknagar    3    13    Digi CD

    Atra Vetosus Ius Vitae Necisque atmospheric black metal  Immortal Frost    1    16    MCD in slipcase

    Atra Vetosus A Palace Shrouded In Emptiness atmospheric black metal  Immortal Frost    1    16    MCD

    Atra Vetosus Apricity melodic black metal  Immortal Frost    1    16    CD

    Atras Cineris Blut raw black metal  Schlachtenklang Tonwerk    1    16    CD

    Atreides Neopangea heavy power metal  Suspiria    1    16    CD

    Atreyu The Curse famous metalcore band  Victory    1    19    CD+ DVD in slipcase

    Atrophied Pendulum Of Extremes technical death metal  Pathologically Explicit    1    10    CD

    Attack Revitalize speed metal band from the beginning of the 90s  Marquee    1    21    CD

    Attila Guilty Pleasure famous metalcore band  Artery    1    33    CD

    Au Sacre Des Nuits Anti Humain raw black doom metal  Kunsthauch    1    9    CD

    Auberon Crossworld melodic death metal  Black Mark    1    13    CD

    Aulnes Vivre Dans L'Abandon sludge doom/death metal  PRC    1    16    CD

    Austere To Lay Like Old Ashes atmospheric black metal  Eisenwald    1    146    LP

    Austerymn Sepulcrum Viventium old school death metal  Memento Mori    1    18    CD

    Automb Esoterica occult black death metal  Final Gate    1    9    CD

    Autopsy Acts Of The Unspeakable cult death metal band  Peaceville    1    289    Gatefold LP

    Autopsy Night Abortarium old school brutal death metal  Sound Age    1    9    CD

    Autopsy Night Necrosadist old school brutal death metal  Sound Age    1    9    CD

    Autumn Îñåíü âå÷íà doom metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Autumn …And We Are Falling Leaves… doom metal  Stygian Crypt        7    CD

    Autumn Tears Love Poems For Dying Children. Act I. neoclassic  Red Stream    1    56    PD

    Autumnal Grey Universe melodic doom death metal  Xtreem    1    11    CD

    Avenger Godless blackened death metal  Deathgasm    1    18    CD

    Average Misanthropy Average Misanthropy blackened funeral doom metal  Pale Sunrise    1    16    CD

    Avernum Whispers Beyond The River Of Laments raw but melodic black doom metal  The Ritual    1    20    CD

    Averse Sefira Battle's Clarion melodic black metal  Candlelight USA    1    18    CD

    Aversed Impermanent female fronted melodic death metal  Ghastly    1    18    CD

    Aversion To Mankind Suicidology depressive black metal  Maa    1    11    CD

    Avon Mad Marco stoner doom metal  Ozium    1    18    Digi CD

    Avon Dave's Dungeon stoner doom metal  Heavy Psych    1    20    Digi CD

    Avulsed Stabwound Orgasm cult brutal death metal band  Extreme Zone    1    17    CD

    Avulsed Reanimations cult brutal death metal band  Metal Age    1    18    Digi CD

    Awrizis/Desire For Sorrow Split melodic death metal/melodic black metal  MetalGate    1    16    Digisleeve CD

    Axamenta Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture symphonic black death metal  Shiver    1    13    Digi CD

    Axon War Anthems brutal death metal  American Line    1    11    MCD

    Ayin Aleph Ayin Aleph II female fronted avantgarde symphonic metal  Invencis    1    16    CD

    Ayreon Universal Migrator. Part I & II. Special Edition cult progressive metal band  Inside Out    1    40    DCD in slipcase

    Azaghal Omega cult black metal band  Moribund    1    22    CD

    Azaghal / Oath Split cult black metal bands  Immortal Frost    1    22    CD

    Azeroth Live In Poligon symphonic black metal  TaigaSounds    8    9    CD

    Azgarath Old raw black metal  The Ritual    2    18    Digisleeve CD
