Primordial concept of synthetic death metal act Light? project was found in 2002 by Eugeny Churkin. Taking part at «They Die» group where Eugeny was a composer of music and lyrics, he decided to record something of kind death metal. However later he found out the bounds of this style too narrow for realizarion of all Eugeny`s ideas by that time (although he was only 17 years old). So refusing to starting death point after the material was writting Eugeny get to the only one in his town «Ka-Mo-Ra» studio for recording debut demo album which`s got the Light? name. The project`s got the same name. After the all instruments recording without smeone` assistance Eugeny engages Alexey Smirnov who sang at «They Die» before as a session vocalist. Eight tracks of that album present melancholic doom metal which organic interwines a lot of elements from death and black up to dark wave,jazz and psychîdelic rock. Poetical concept of album was dedicated to solitude and different mental disorders caused by solitude. Also was an intention to include Pink Floyd cover in this demo but cause of technical reasons it wasn`t include in this album.
Two years later Eugeny got to studio again for recording perfectly new album Light?
During the recording was the same situation where all the instruments and lyrics wrere made by Eugeny and vocal parts were performed by Alexey Smirnov as a session vocalist.
The album named «Mirrors» become well thought-out than previous as musical as lyrical. It is once more conceptial but it`s concept is confines not in lyrics but in music themes where lyrics serve only as an accompaniment.
In 2004 «Mirrors» album has got a publisher in the person of Stygian Crypt productions and 25th of February 2005 CD was published.